FAQs for Families
Thank you for assisting your relative or friend with understanding and carrying out the Driving Assessment process. There is a lot of information to comprehend and remember, and this can provoke anxiety for clients who are already fearful about losing their licence and perceived freedoms.Driving is a privilege, and retirement from driving is something we all must face. Where necessary, we assist clients with the transition from being a driver to being a passenger, using a scooter or public transportation.

Step by Step Process
1. Ensure the client has a valid driver’s licence to proceed, as well as a current Medical Certificate for Motor Vehicle Driver form F3712.2. Have the referral faxed directly from the General Practitioner or referring specialist to Coastal Rehab on fax (07) 5478 1511.
3. Once the referral is received, Coastal Rehab will phone the client and send information about the process.
The fee is payable on the day of assessment if paying by cash. Payment is required 3 days prior to the assessment for internet banking.
Once an assessment is booked, there may be a fee to cancel your appointment.
4. Please accompany your relative to the assessment.
Anxiety will negatively affect driving performance.
Make sure that the person being assessed is well rested and has eaten prior to the assessment.
5. Bring with you:
FAQs for Families
Do I need to study the road rules?
All drivers in Queensland need to know the Queensland Road Rules. Road rules are developed and enforced for your safety. Queensland Road Rules Refresher is a good site to keep up to date with changes to road rules. Road Rules can be found here: https://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/
What should I do if my license is suspended?
Go to your Doctor as soon as possible to obtain a Queensland Transport Medical Certificate for Motor vehicle Driver (F3712). Your Doctor will need to indicate at Part 2, Question 5, as well as the tear-off section at the bottom of Part 1, that the interim clearance is “to undergo OT driving assessment to determine safety to continue to drive”, and specify a certificate expiry date.
Take the medical certificate to Queensland Transport and get a valid Driver’s Licence for the assessment. This only allows you to be on the road during the Driving Assessment. You cannot drive at any other time.
Take the medical certificate to Queensland Transport and get a valid Driver’s Licence for the assessment. This only allows you to be on the road during the Driving Assessment. You cannot drive at any other time.
Do I need a Medical Certificate for Motor Vehicle Driver?
If you are 75 years of age or older, you must hold a Medical Certificate for Motor Vehicle Driver form (F3712) stating you are medically fit to continue to drive and carry this certificate at all times while driving. If your doctor has recommended limitations or conditions that apply to you when driving, your medical certificate must state those conditions. You must abide by these conditions when driving. For further information and frequently asked questions please refer to Queensland Transport website.
If you are younger than 75 with an identified medical condition and an “M” on your licence, you must carry a valid Medical Certificate for Motor Vehicle Driver form (F3712).
As part of the OT driving assessment process, your referring doctor will need to provide you with an interim Medical Certificate (form F3712) stating that you are undergoing a driving assessment. This will need to be lodged at the Department of Transport and Main Roads prior to your assessment date.
If you are younger than 75 with an identified medical condition and an “M” on your licence, you must carry a valid Medical Certificate for Motor Vehicle Driver form (F3712).
As part of the OT driving assessment process, your referring doctor will need to provide you with an interim Medical Certificate (form F3712) stating that you are undergoing a driving assessment. This will need to be lodged at the Department of Transport and Main Roads prior to your assessment date.